Criminal Injuries Compensation
The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority will pay compensation to the victims of crimes of violence. If you have been the victim of an assault that has been reported to the police then you should contact us now to discuss how we can help.
If you have suffered from a single sexual assault or a period of sexual abuse then you may be eligible to make a claim under the scheme.
The scheme deals with not just physical injuries but covers diagnosed psychological conditions arising from crime. Often psychological injuries are not immediately diagnosed and we can help in advising as to how the scheme provides compensation.
Sadly some claims involve the death of a close relative and we can help the family in these difficult and emotional circumstances. This can include a claim for funeral expenses.
Time limits apply for submitting a claim so it is important to act quickly. The eligibility rules are complex. If you have been the victim of a crime of violence we can help you through the maze.
We can deal with claims on a No Win No Fee basis, so if you are not successful then there will be no charge to you.